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Writer's pictureHollie Whaley

Transferable Skillset


Today, I want to share with you how to identify your transferable skillset. More and more, I have been asked the question, what are transferable skills and how do I know if I have them? Most of the time the question comes when someone has decided they are unhappy with their current career path, however, we are finding that more and more people are asking the question because they find themselves in a position they never expected to be in. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, industries have been hit so hard, that those in specific industries are asking how can I possibly find a job in another industry? When you've worked in an industry for 10, 15, or even 20+ years how do you transfer to another one. Then there are those that just want to make a career change, or have outgrown their current position or company.

Many people that I speak with are sitting and waiting for the call back to work because they don’t believe that they can do anything else. That they aren't valuable to other industries, which is absolutely not true. Regardless of why this resonates with you, preparation is key. I believe that unfortunately in 2020, we were not prepared for a lot of the situations that unfolded, and it has caused great anxiety and hopelessness. I want to give you a glimmer of hope today. I want you to know that you have the ability inside of you, to make tremendous moves. The first step to doing that is really having an understanding of the skills you have that will make you an asset to any organization. An asset by definition is, "a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality." (Oxford Languages) So clearly, if you have experience in a particular area, you can be an asset to someone that doesn't have that.

More and more companies are looking for particular skillsets rather than a particular industry experience. People have determined that the transferable skills you have regardless of industry can be an asset to their organization. I have worked in the travel industry for most of my career however when I market myself, I don't specify the industry I simply say I have experience in business to business, and business to consumer markets. This allows them to know that I have a skills that can be used in a business to business or business to consumer type organizations. Each type of organization will have different skillsets but they are all transferable. So if you are reading this thinking wow, what are my transferable skills and how to do prepare for this type of change, I want to share with you 3 simple steps to help you identify your skillset.

Don't rush through this. As you are building this out, take time to really consider everything that you do. I also want you to really start thinking outside of your 9-5, or industry box. When doing something new, I want to encourage you to think differently. This is a great opportunity to practice.

  1. Write a list of all your skills- think outside of the box!

    1. List all your responsibilities and tasks at your job

    2. List all your responsibilities and tasks in your home

      1. Referee kids - Skillset: Conflict Management

      2. Laundry, wash dishes, clean floors- Skillset: Organizational skills

      3. Children under 5- Skillset: Negotiation

    3. List all your responsibilities and tasks where you volunteer

      1. Do you manage other volunteers?

      2. Do they have you overseeing a project or position?

      3. Are you utilizing leadership skills that you aren't using in your 9-5?

  2. Write down things that you find joy in doing or your greatest passion being able to identify what you enjoy doing the most, will help you to find the perfect fit for you. Not all jobs are for all people, even if you have the skill to do it. Maybe you "do it" out of necessity rather than passion. If you are making a career change, think about the things that really bring you joy.

  3. Take your lists, and begin to find the commonalities

    1. Are there tasks or skills you use at work that you also find at home.

    2. Are there skills that match your passions or what you enjoy the most? Circle and highlight those.

Write a comprehensive list of all the skills you have. You will probably find that there are a lot more than you expected to have. What are your most common skills? If you find that you have a lot of skills but maybe you are not sure how to word them, I would look at job postings to see what are employers really looking for. You will probably see words like conflict management, innovation, teamwork, adaptability, change management or being proactive. These are all buzz words that describe what you are currently doing. I know it may take you some time to identify with the "new buzz" but you will start to see and understand how your skills become so transferable. Once you have your list finalized, you can start to find jobs that will fit your designated skillset. If you would like more information on how to be the right candidate for the job, or defining your niche please reach out to us, we would love to walk you through the process.

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